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Toggle_check # Tracker Status  Sort_desc Priority Subject Assigned to Updated Votes
316 FeatureNewNormalHandling undefined user modes01/05/2012 10:48 PM0
328 FeatureNewNormalCharacter count for TwitterMirco Bauer05/13/2015 08:34 PM3
335 FeatureNewNormalshow messages of background-commands like reconnects02/04/2010 12:10 AM0
340 FeatureNewNormalProgress bar for Preferences loading/savingMirco Bauer02/07/2010 10:43 AM0
377 FeatureNewNormalCustomizable Chat BackgroundsMirco Bauer05/19/2010 06:36 PM0
383 FeatureNewNormalsmart highlightingMirco Bauer06/10/2010 07:55 PM0
393 FeatureNewNormalExtended help for commandsMirco Bauer06/19/2010 11:12 AM0
394 FeatureNewNormalLog Browser04/17/2012 09:00 PM5
395 FeatureNewNormallimiting the log-feature07/06/2011 03:20 PM0
396 FeatureNewLowadvanced logging supportMirco Bauer03/30/2014 09:45 AM3
406 BugNewNormalSSH-password in terminal04/03/2011 11:00 AM0
415 FeatureNewNormalOpen twitter hashtags like they are chatsMirco Bauer05/13/2015 08:35 PM3
417 FeatureNewNormalAdd option to change line spacing07/26/2010 06:41 PM0
418 FeatureNewNormalMake the titles of highlighted channels differ more07/26/2010 06:46 PM0
421 FeatureNewNormal/clear should clear the TextView, not the BufferMirco Bauer04/17/2012 08:52 PM1
427 FeatureNewNormalDiscussion monitorMirco Bauer08/01/2010 05:43 PM0
431 BugNewNormalRemoting ExceptionMirco Bauer08/03/2010 10:15 PM0
434 BugNewUrgentFrontend might lose new messages when connecting to remote engineMirco Bauer11/26/2013 08:01 PM0
437 FeatureNewLowSupport Twitter lists05/13/2015 08:34 PM1
443 FeatureNewNormalHighlight nick in chat when selected in userlist12/04/2015 05:25 PM1
444 FeatureNewNormalHighlight matches in scrollbar for selected nicks/search result07/27/2011 09:01 AM1
452 FeatureNewNormalHTTP proxy support when connecting to smuxi-server with SSHMirco Bauer08/22/2010 01:21 PM0
460 TaskNewHighServer bind addressMirco Bauer11/26/2013 08:12 PM0
469 FeatureNewNormalBetter string split for "Joining: ..."Mirco Bauer11/26/2013 07:26 PM0
475 FeatureNewNormalSeamless upgrading of smuxi-server09/07/2010 02:35 PM0

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