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Toggle_check # Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assigned to Updated  Sort_desc Votes
820 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalDCC/XDCCMirco Bauer02/14/2015 08:31 PM2
997 SmuxiBugNewNormalDatabaseFileLockedException thrown in Db4oMessageBuffer.InitDatabase()Mirco Bauer02/13/2015 10:44 AM0
1023 SmuxiBugNewNormalNullReferenceException thrown in Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.ResolverContractKey.GetHashCode()Mirco Bauer02/04/2015 03:32 PM0
961 SmuxiBugNewNormalubuntu 14.04 - tree view corrupted.Mirco Bauer01/20/2015 01:49 PM0
1004 SmuxiBugNewNormalSmuxi does not start with Mono on WindowsMirco Bauer01/07/2015 11:45 AM0
1015 SmuxiFeatureNewHighNew engine for FacebookMirco Bauer01/06/2015 03:45 PM0
964 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalFacebook server entries should show username instead of hostnameOliver Schneider01/06/2015 02:02 PM0
1012 SmuxiBugNewNormalno stats provided by smuxi-server01/05/2015 09:15 PM1
1014 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalLink Twitter account namesMirco Bauer01/05/2015 06:26 PM0
1009 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalConfig to disable auto-awayMirco Bauer01/05/2015 05:15 PM0
1013 SmuxiBugNewNormalkey up doesnt show last written line in sftl frontendMirco Bauer01/05/2015 11:38 AM0
1011 SmuxiBugNewNormalUnclear information how to install only serverMirco Bauer01/05/2015 10:52 AM0
98 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalSASL supportMirco Bauer01/03/2015 11:15 AM2
1007 SmuxiBugNewNormalShould not highlight conversations that have been already replied toOliver Schneider12/24/2014 01:11 PM0
1006 SmuxiBugNewNormalOverflowException in agsXMPP.Xml.Xpnet.Encoding.setCharType()Mirco Bauer12/23/2014 05:40 PM0
999 SmuxiBugNewNormalSystem.Net.HttpWebRequest..cctor() throws ArgumentExceptionMirco Bauer11/28/2014 06:46 PM0
839 SmuxiBugNewNormalSmuxi joins channels which have been removed from auto-connect list11/17/2014 12:34 PM1
824 SmuxiBugNewNormalJapanese ISO-2022-JP encoding, IMEMirco Bauer11/08/2014 11:36 PM0
995 SmuxiBugNewNormalException: Could not load type Smuxi.Engine.TwitterProtocolManager, smuxi-engine-twitter, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null while decoding custom attribute10/09/2014 11:26 AM0
864 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalauto-reply when awayMirco Bauer09/22/2014 07:08 PM1
993 SmuxiBugNewNormalaway status not cleared when attaching to a znc server 09/22/2014 07:01 PM0
991 SmuxiFeatureNewNormal"Copy link location" in right-click context menu09/17/2014 05:00 PM0
990 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalNavigate chat list using mouse wheel09/17/2014 01:12 PM0
987 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalAdd ability to highlight a phraseMirco Bauer09/08/2014 06:43 PM0
989 SmuxiSupportNewNormalAdd instructions for building Debian packages directly from git repository09/04/2014 11:43 AM0
986 SmuxiBugNewNormalBackend/server has got stuck09/03/2014 06:12 PM0
985 SmuxiBugNewImmediateno state transition initial+sync during frontend connect of freshly started smuxi-serverMirco Bauer09/01/2014 05:59 PM0
982 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalForcing Engine Buffer Lines to be larger than Buffer Lines08/29/2014 06:36 PM0
980 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalMake Crtrl-Shift-+/- do font resizing08/26/2014 08:37 PM0
979 SmuxiBugNewUrgentInvalidStateExceptionMirco Bauer08/26/2014 09:45 AM0
978 SmuxiBugNewUrgentTwitter engine fails retrieving timelines after some time with Object reference not set to an instance of an objectMirco Bauer08/14/2014 12:34 PM0
976 SmuxiBugNewNormalException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.Parameter name: indexMirco Bauer07/22/2014 11:11 AM0
951 SmuxiBugNewNormalXMPP: bad user experience when message from server '[email protected] wishes to subscribe to you'Oliver Schneider07/13/2014 01:43 PM0
973 SmuxiBugNewHighMessages appear in log, but not in smuxi window07/13/2014 10:59 AM0
974 SmuxiBugNewNormalChat list sometimes flickers when changing selection07/13/2014 10:51 AM0
971 SmuxiBugNewHighException: Expected assignment operator (=) - Line: 1, Position: 306.06/13/2014 07:08 PM0
970 SmuxiBugNewNormalSmuxi hangs (cannot be closed) after sudden disconnection (i.e. after coming back from suspend)Mirco Bauer05/14/2014 11:10 PM0
968 SmuxiBugNewNormalException: An element with the same key already exists in the dictionary.Mirco Bauer05/11/2014 09:32 PM0
142 SmuxiFeatureNewHighprovide standalone binariesMirco Bauer05/06/2014 05:38 PM4
966 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalMarkline color configMirco Bauer05/04/2014 09:11 PM0
396 SmuxiFeatureNewLowadvanced logging supportMirco Bauer03/30/2014 09:45 AM3
706 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalMake a system for exposing non-essential (internal) configuration choicesMirco Bauer03/30/2014 09:43 AM4
945 SmuxiFeatureNewLownew messages should appear on bottom of screen when only few messages are in the chat03/30/2014 09:39 AM-1
960 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalSocial Login SupportMirco Bauer03/24/2014 09:05 PM0
774 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalGNOME Online Accounts SupportMirco Bauer03/21/2014 11:32 AM0
775 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalUse Telepathy as account providerMirco Bauer03/21/2014 11:31 AM0
792 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalPush Messages on Android03/12/2014 01:17 AM1
793 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalAndroid frontend03/12/2014 01:17 AM1
959 SmuxiBugNewNormalException: An item with the same key has already been added.03/09/2014 01:47 PM0
913 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalrestore old tab based chat layout (instead of the new chat list)02/24/2014 05:53 PM1

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