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Toggle_check #  Sort_desc Tracker Status Priority Subject Assigned to Updated Votes
449 BugClosedNormalIssue where the new updated file is smaller than the old one.10/03/2010 03:30 PM0
376 BugClosedNormalPeer.Equals(other) compares only IP, not ports10/03/2010 02:52 PM0
362 BugClosedNormalArgumentOutOfRangeException in MonoTorrent.Client.ConnectionManager.TryConnect()10/03/2010 02:49 PM0
356 FeatureClosedNormalMagnet links03/03/2012 09:06 AM0
296 BugClosedNormaldownloads stops and restarts10/03/2010 03:31 PM0
222 BugClosedNormalMonoTorrent Tracker PeerTimedOut not firinig?Alan McGovern11/12/2009 01:17 AM0

(1-6/6) | Per page: 25, 50, 100, 200, 300

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