Bug #296


downloads stops and restarts

Added by paris koutsioukis 5461 days ago. Updated 5198 days ago.

Status:Closed Start:01/13/2010
Priority:Normal Due date:
Assigned to:- % Done:


Category:- Spent time: -
Target version:-
Votes: 0


i have in the latest code from svn i have encounter this specific
weird behavior, it starts to download for some seconds or minutes
and next stops and restarts any idea why happens this ?


Updated by Alan McGovern 5454 days ago


What revision of svn specifically are you using? I made a change a few weeks ago which resulted in this behaviour, but I've backed that change out.

Updated by paris koutsioukis 5454 days ago


ithink the
Revision: 149321
because i re downloaded the code at 12/1/20010 around that day :P

Updated by Alan McGovern 5198 days ago

  • Status changed from New to Resolved

This has probably been fixed in git master. There were a few issues re-using the message buffers that could've caused this.

Updated by Alan McGovern 5198 days ago

  • Status changed from Resolved to Closed

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