Alan McGovern
- Registered on: 03/26/2009
- Last connection: 03/04/2011
- mono-nat (Manager, 04/05/2009)
- MonoTorrent (Manager, 04/05/2009)
Reported issues: 6
- 11:09 AM mono-nat Mono.Nat 1.1.0 released
- Mono.Nat 1.1.0 This release just adds support for the NAT-PMP protocol. These types of routers will now automatically be detected and provided to the user without any code changes required for developers. A "precompiled binary":http://projec...
- Compiled binary
- source tarball
- 11:14 PM MonoTorrent Wiki edit: Creating_Torrents (#13)
- 11:11 PM MonoTorrent Wiki edit: Creating_Torrents (#12)
- 08:22 PM MonoTorrent Wiki edit: BanningFiltering_IPs (#4)
- 08:20 PM MonoTorrent Wiki edit: BanningFiltering_IPs (#2)
- 08:20 PM MonoTorrent Wiki edit: BanningFiltering_IPs (#1)
- 08:18 PM MonoTorrent Wiki edit: Main_page (#28)
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