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Toggle_check # Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assigned to Updated  Sort_desc Votes
1074 SmuxiBugNewNormalTray icon lost on kde5 (plasma5)07/27/2015 01:47 PM0
1037 SmuxiBugNewNormalUI hangs after interruption of the SSH tunnel on Windows with MonoMirco Bauer07/22/2015 10:59 AM1
1043 SmuxiBugNewUrgentTransformations not specified by the protocol, should be opt-in not opt-outMirco Bauer07/05/2015 03:07 AM1
1052 SmuxiBugNewNormalAuto-resize issues with small windows06/26/2015 04:18 PM1
1069 SmuxiTaskNewNormalReplace Mono.Data.Sqlite with something nicerMirco Bauer06/13/2015 01:58 AM1
27 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalencoding setting per serverMirco Bauer06/06/2015 01:43 AM3
1045 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalHTML Renderer for MessagesMirco Bauer06/05/2015 09:52 PM0
788 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalSmuxi should save the increased send delay setting between engine restartsMirco Bauer06/03/2015 10:51 PM0
1022 SmuxiBugNewNormalNullReferenceException thrown in SqliteMessageBuffer.Add()Mirco Bauer06/03/2015 10:36 PM0
1061 SmuxiBugNewNormalsmuxi-server no longer accepted connections06/03/2015 10:34 PM0
31 SmuxiFeatureNewHighHandle irc:// URLs (in GNOME)Mirco Bauer06/02/2015 10:29 PM0
823 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalChange interface colors (marker line, urls)Mirco Bauer05/30/2015 10:14 AM1
1065 SmuxiBugNewNormalException: Expected assignment operator (=) - Line: 1, Position: 623.05/30/2015 12:45 AM0
1063 SmuxiBugNewNormal"Typing" animation in XMPP causes the unread message count to raiseOliver Schneider05/28/2015 10:01 PM0
977 SmuxiBugNewNormalConnection to XMPP server with SHA2 certificate signature fails on mono 2.6 even when certificate verify is disabled05/24/2015 07:13 PM0
1060 SmuxiBugNewNormalNick-color mismatch in nicklist05/23/2015 01:11 PM0
1059 SmuxiBugNewNormalThrown exception on first-run Engine-Manager and quitting it via "Quit"-Button05/23/2015 01:04 PM0
1019 SmuxiBugNewNormalSmuxi not detecting being GHOSTed by irc serverMirco Bauer05/22/2015 03:18 PM0
1056 SmuxiBugNewNormalerror on jabber engineOliver Schneider05/21/2015 09:18 PM0
1055 SmuxiBugNewNormalToggling main menuMirco Bauer05/16/2015 06:36 PM0
900 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalAllow on-connect commands to refer to variables, such as password05/14/2015 09:13 AM1
955 SmuxiFeatureNewLowAdditional Message Patterns05/14/2015 09:05 AM0
975 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalLow-bandwidth mode should prompt to download any important buffers05/14/2015 09:01 AM0
1017 SmuxiBugNewLowNicknames of others should not trigger highlightsMirco Bauer05/14/2015 08:53 AM0
1044 SmuxiBugNewNormalObjectDisposedException printed in the console when quitting smuxi (under SingleApplicationInstance code)05/14/2015 08:39 AM0
415 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalOpen twitter hashtags like they are chatsMirco Bauer05/13/2015 08:35 PM3
295 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalPlease highlight topics in twitter timeline, make it clickable and feed it05/13/2015 08:35 PM1
328 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalCharacter count for TwitterMirco Bauer05/13/2015 08:34 PM3
437 SmuxiFeatureNewLowSupport Twitter lists05/13/2015 08:34 PM1
1054 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalTwitter ListsMirco Bauer05/13/2015 08:24 PM0
1053 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalSpell checking on WindowsMirco Bauer05/11/2015 08:39 AM1
1047 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalPer channel encoding supportMirco Bauer05/02/2015 03:03 PM0
1048 SmuxiBugFeedbackNormalEncoding error when sending messagesMirco Bauer05/02/2015 03:00 PM0
1049 SmuxiBugNewNormalEncoding error when receiving messagesMirco Bauer05/02/2015 02:49 PM0
1046 SmuxiBugNewNormalChannel list in 1.0-rc2 is a lot more squished.Georgi Karavasilev05/01/2015 07:01 PM0
992 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalAutomatically detect input language for spell checkingMirco Bauer04/29/2015 07:17 AM0
1042 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalRemember command history across restarts04/26/2015 08:38 AM1
952 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalRemember chat list width04/24/2015 07:24 AM0
930 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalp2p, encrypted, anonymous, registration free messagingMirco Bauer04/24/2015 07:20 AM0
967 SmuxiBugNewNormalui hangup when ssh tunnel is killed04/20/2015 06:05 PM1
1036 SmuxiBugNewNormalSmuxi does not use the consoles output codepage03/26/2015 06:17 AM0
1032 SmuxiBugNewNormalWindows installer puts icon on desktop without consentMirco Bauer03/10/2015 08:20 PM0
1031 SmuxiBugNewNormalSSH Credentials screen does not explain that keyfile must be PuTTY format in Windows, OpenSSH in LinuxMirco Bauer03/10/2015 08:10 PM0
1030 SmuxiBugNewNormalEngine Assistant - SSH Credentials -- not possible to set SSH Keyfile back to nullMirco Bauer03/10/2015 08:04 PM0
1029 SmuxiBugNewNormalPreferences dialog box blocks for ~2 seconds or more when opening03/10/2015 07:07 PM0
994 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalShow away status in userlist03/10/2015 06:55 PM2
1028 SmuxiBugNewNormalMultiple Facebook connexions : same title03/10/2015 12:43 PM0
1026 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalPreserve/Bookmark log for later reading03/02/2015 10:56 PM1
1025 SmuxiBugNewNormalWrong layout after using Fullscreen mode and switching it off again.Mirco Bauer02/26/2015 08:44 PM0
1024 SmuxiBugNewNormalsmuxi-server needs to marshal non-Smuxi and non-runtime (System.*) exceptionsMirco Bauer02/15/2015 01:38 PM0

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