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Toggle_check # Project Tracker Status Priority Subject  Sort_desc Assigned to Updated Votes
239 SmuxiBugNewNormal| can't be used as part of the nick in preferences -> connection -> nicknameMirco Bauer01/22/2014 07:20 AM0
865 SmuxiFeatureNewNormal[UI] Visible indicator for "browser mode"08/18/2013 01:52 PM1
517 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalZeitgeist IntegrationMirco Bauer11/26/2013 07:28 PM0
951 SmuxiBugNewNormalXMPP: bad user experience when message from server '[email protected] wishes to subscribe to you'Oliver Schneider07/13/2014 01:43 PM0
1027 SmuxiBugNewNormalXMPP status changes not grayed outMirco Bauer12/17/2015 11:56 AM0
950 SmuxiBugNewNormalXMPP double clicking a user inside a room, and sending a message, failsOliver Schneider01/28/2014 05:53 PM0
1025 SmuxiBugNewNormalWrong layout after using Fullscreen mode and switching it off again.Mirco Bauer02/26/2015 08:44 PM0
1032 SmuxiBugNewNormalWindows installer puts icon on desktop without consentMirco Bauer03/10/2015 08:20 PM0
599 SmuxiBugNewNormalwindow not closable05/20/2011 11:38 PM0
101 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalwindow highlight for all group chat messagesMirco Bauer01/03/2014 03:53 PM1
173 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalwhois output in current channelMirco Bauer01/05/2010 02:59 AM0
379 MonoTorrentSupportNewNormalWhen downloading torrent where only web seed is available there is a long delay05/30/2010 09:30 PM0
943 SmuxiFeatureNewLowWebRTC support01/19/2014 01:42 PM1
279 SmuxiBugNewHighVirtual line break not working correctly for long messagesMirco Bauer02/21/2011 10:01 AM0
640 SmuxiBugNewNormalValidation of certificates always failMirco Bauer01/09/2017 09:22 AM0
622 SmuxiBugNewUrgentUsers who join while a chat is synced are not visible in the nicklistMirco Bauer11/26/2013 07:58 PM2
884 SmuxiBugNewNormalUserlist does not apply user's chosen background colour, making user modes invisibleMirco Bauer02/15/2016 11:39 AM0
855 SmuxiFeatureNewLowUser nick colour options07/25/2013 08:30 PM1
79 SmuxiFeatureNewHighuser documentationMirco Bauer07/29/2008 12:40 PM0
916 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalUse the xmpp events from Facebook to show the users status.12/18/2013 08:10 PM0
775 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalUse Telepathy as account providerMirco Bauer03/21/2014 11:31 AM0
562 SmuxiTaskNewNormalUse NDesk.Options to parse commandsMirco Bauer01/25/2011 06:09 PM0
922 SmuxiFeatureNewNormaluse background color for marking messages with highlight wordsMirco Bauer01/26/2014 02:31 PM0
687 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalUpdate notifications on OS X and WindowsMirco Bauer11/26/2013 07:51 PM0
1079 SmuxiBugNewNormalUnread counter counts from old session after /shutdown09/03/2015 08:06 PM0

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