Bug #973


Messages appear in log, but not in smuxi window

Added by Aramati x 3941 days ago. Updated 3894 days ago.

Status:New Start:05/27/2014
Priority:High Due date:
Assigned to:- % Done:


Target version:-

Found in Version:

Votes: 0


Vendor: Debian 0.11~rc5-1
Frontend: GNOME

For some reason, today smuxi didn't show some messages that were said on a channel. I only noticed this because someone highlighted me, but the smuxi window didn't show the message.

In the log, the messages appear:

[2014-05-27 15:00:49] -!- elf_mobile [[email protected]] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[2014-05-27 15:02:36] -!- elf_mobile [[email protected]] has joined #openmw
[2014-05-27 15:04:17] -!- Fallfeathers [[email protected]] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[2014-05-27 15:04:49] -!- elf_mobile [[email protected]] has quit [Client Quit]
[2014-05-27 15:09:41] -!- Sir_herrbatka [[email protected]] has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!]
[2014-05-27 15:24:04] -!- Drakonis [[email protected]] has joined #openmw
[2014-05-27 15:43:35] -!- trisi_ [[email protected]] has joined #openmw
[2014-05-27 15:45:55] -!- trisi [[email protected]] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[2014-05-27 15:45:55] -!- trisi_ is now known as trisi
[2014-05-27 15:53:09] -!- kuuko [~kuuko@enlightenment/developer/kuuko] has joined #openmw
[2014-05-27 15:57:29] -!- d3str0y [~d3str0y@unaffiliated/d3str0y] has joined #openmw
[2014-05-27 15:59:08] -!- Sir_herrbatka [[email protected]] has joined #openmw
[2014-05-27 15:59:08] -!- mode/#openmw [+o Sir_herrbatka] by ChanServ
[2014-05-27 16:05:31] -!- KittyCat [~kitty@allegro/developer/KittyCat] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[2014-05-27 16:05:41] -!- KittyCat [~kitty@allegro/developer/KittyCat] has joined #openmw
[2014-05-27 16:13:02] -!- pandacommanda [[email protected]] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds]
[2014-05-27 16:32:08] -!- trisi_ [[email protected]] has joined #openmw
[2014-05-27 16:34:19] -!- trisi [[email protected]] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[2014-05-27 16:34:19] -!- trisi_ is now known as trisi
[2014-05-27 16:44:58] -!- scrawl [[email protected]] has joined #openmw
[2014-05-27 16:45:07] <wheybags> [27/05 16:41:37]: the guy that started it doen't contibute anymore actually
[2014-05-27 16:45:07] <serpentine> [27/05 16:41:40]: it came to Zini in a dream
[2014-05-27 16:45:07] <wheybags> [27/05 16:41:48]: serpentine: nico :P
[2014-05-27 16:45:07] <serpentine> [27/05 16:41:50]: but yeah, not that he started it
[2014-05-27 16:45:07] <serpentine> [27/05 16:41:57]: wheybags - we have replaced our god
[2014-05-27 16:45:07] <wheybags> [27/05 16:42:01]: :D
[2014-05-27 16:45:07] <wheybags> [27/05 16:42:07]: the old tribunal is dead
[2014-05-27 16:45:07] <wheybags> [27/05 16:42:17]: the nine zinis reign supreme
[2014-05-27 16:45:07] <serpentine> [27/05 16:42:23]: You know it, Zini the Usurper
[2014-05-27 16:45:07] <aalto> [27/05 16:42:58]: Looking forward to the day I can play the best RPG natively on my Debian-based laptop on a Norwegian mountain... this is such a nice project
[2014-05-27 16:45:07] <Sir_herrbatka> [27/05 16:43:34]: how?
[2014-05-27 16:45:07] <serpentine> [27/05 16:43:37]: Scrawl the dual-headed god of Creation and Destruction (but mostly insects with six legs) :P
[2014-05-27 16:45:07] <Sir_herrbatka> [27/05 16:43:39]: ah, that is simple
[2014-05-27 16:45:07] <Sir_herrbatka> [27/05 16:43:48]: nico was reading about the linus
[2014-05-27 16:45:07] <Sir_herrbatka> [27/05 16:44:08]: and he decided that he wants to be somebody as well ;-)
[2014-05-27 16:45:07] <aalto> Gotta ask though - what Linux distribution do you devs prefer?
[2014-05-27 16:45:07] <Sir_herrbatka> so he turned up volume, started playing this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pZb3Xya7jQ8
[2014-05-27 16:45:07] <wheybot> Title: Wasp - I Wanna Be Somebody - YouTube
[2014-05-27 16:45:07] <Sir_herrbatka> and started coding
[2014-05-27 16:45:07] <serpentine> non-linux, FreeBSD crew checking in.
[2014-05-27 16:48:21] -!- mirpa [[email protected]] has joined #openmw

But in the smuxi window, only the join/leave was shown:

15:00 -!- elf_mobile [[email protected]] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
15:02 -!- elf_mobile [[email protected]] has joined #openmw
15:04 -!- Fallfeathers [[email protected]] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
15:04 -!- elf_mobile [[email protected]] has quit [Client Quit]
15:09 -!- Sir_herrbatka [[email protected]] has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!]
15:24 -!- Drakonis [[email protected]] has joined #openmw
15:43 -!- trisi_ [[email protected]] has joined #openmw
15:45 -!- trisi [[email protected]] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
15:45 -!- trisi_ is now known as trisi
15:53 -!- kuuko [~kuuko@enlightenment/developer/kuuko] has joined #openmw
15:57 -!- d3str0y [~d3str0y@unaffiliated/d3str0y] has joined #openmw
15:59 -!- Sir_herrbatka [[email protected]] has joined #openmw
15:59 -!- mode/#openmw [+o Sir_herrbatka] by ChanServ
16:05 -!- KittyCat [~kitty@allegro/developer/KittyCat] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
16:05 -!- KittyCat [~kitty@allegro/developer/KittyCat] has joined #openmw
16:13 -!- pandacommanda [[email protected]] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds]
16:32 -!- trisi_ [[email protected]] has joined #openmw
16:34 -!- trisi [[email protected]] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
16:34 -!- trisi_ is now known as trisi
16:44 -!- scrawl [[email protected]] has joined #openmw
16:48 -!- mirpa [[email protected]] has joined #openmw

I do not use any Filters.

I should note that during this time, my computer ran very slowly due to almost running out of memory (had some other applications in background). So maybe having a long delay is what is causing the bug.

I set the priority to high because this bug can cause you to not see the messages at all.


Updated by Mirco Bauer 3894 days ago


Pretty sure this is a filter or hook preventing the message from showing up. Could it be that you changed filters, say removed but didn't restart? Because events are still shown. I would need a log to tell what is going wrong...

Updated by Aramati x 3894 days ago


Could it be that you changed filters, say removed but didn't restart?

Not that I remember, but it's possible. Do filters need a restart to apply?

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