Feature #887


NOTIFY aka friends list

Added by Ruud Bleeker 4185 days ago. Updated 4185 days ago.

Status:New Start:09/25/2013
Priority:Normal Due date:
Assigned to:avatarMirco Bauer % Done:


Category:Engine IRC
Target version:-

Votes: 1 (View)


I've recently started using Smuxi and even though I like it so far, I've noticed that it doesn't implement the irc NOTIFY command, which allows you to monitor if certain people are online on the server you're connected to. I was hoping this feature could be implemented.

For more information see http://wiki.barafranca.com/index.php/IRC/Commands#.2FNOTIFY


Updated by Mirco Bauer 4185 days ago


Can you provide a list of the top 10 major networks that support this notify feature? And what should Smuxi do/show when it receives such notification (I assume some specific IRC reply code) from the IRC network?

Updated by Ruud Bleeker 4185 days ago


I only hang out on 2 small IRC networks. But I'll make an effort to come up with the information you're requesting, might take me some time though.

Updated by Ruud Bleeker 4185 days ago


Alright, I've found some new information. It appears that the NOTIFY command is actually a client command that some clients like mIRC and Xchat use as a wrapper around the WATCH command, which is a server command and seems to be working with Smuxi. For more information on the WATCH command see http://docs.dal.net/docs/misc.html#4

Unfortunately, every time you disconnect from an IRC server your WATCH list is gone. What Xchat (the client I used before Smuxi) does when you add someone to your local NOTIFY list, is add the people in that list to the server's WATCH list every time you connect, making it seem persistent.

For now I can use the WATCH command in the "On Connect Commands" to add users to my watchlist, but it might be a nice feature to have a better interface for this. That has a far lower priority in my opinion though.

Updated by Mirco Bauer 4185 days ago


Thank you for your investigation which provides very useful information. I am not so much worried about that a feature could be covered by something existing (/watch in on connect commands) but more about supporting niche non-RFC features that are only covered by particular IRCd/networks. If the big 5 networks all do support WATCH, then Smuxi should make use of it in a user friendly way without any doubt.

Updated by Mirco Bauer 4185 days ago


I tried /watch on all of my networks and none of them supports WATCH: OFTC, Freenode, GIMPnet, IRCnet

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