Bug #850
user name in kick message isn't aligned properly
Status: | Closed | Start: | 06/13/2013 | |
Priority: | Low | Due date: | ||
Assigned to: | % Done: | 100% |
Category: | Engine IRC | |||
Target version: | 0.9 | Estimated time: | 0.50 hours | |
Complexity: | Low |
Found in Version: | |
Votes: | 0 |
22:09 <tb01110100> !kick tb01110100
22:09 -!- mode/#archlinux [+o phrik] von ChanServ
22:09 -!- tb01110100 wurde von aus #archlinux hinausgeworfenphrik [Stop being dumb.]
nick should be here | , but is here instead |
(phrik is the nick)
another line: 22:15 -!- raininja wurde von aus #archlinux hinausgeworfenphrik [Stop being dumb.]
Steps to reproduce: Kick someone.
Updated by Ondrej Hošek 4255 days ago
- Assigned to set to Ondrej Hošek
There's some technical debt to be paid off here, making the whole exercise a bit more complex, but I'm positive I'll resolve this soon.
Updated by Mirco Bauer 4212 days ago
- Category set to Engine IRC
- Target version set to 0.9
- % Done changed from 0 to 100