Bug #355


Unhandled Exception

Added by Bianca Mix 5247 days ago. Updated 5243 days ago.

Status:Rejected Start:02/19/2010
Priority:Normal Due date:
Assigned to:- % Done:


Target version:-

Found in Version:

Votes: 0


Exception Type:

Exception Message:

Exception StackTrace:
at (wrapper managed-to-native) Gdk.Color:glibsharp_value_set_boxed (GLib.Value&,Gdk.Color&)
at Gdk.Color.op_Explicit (Color boxed) [0x00000]
at Gtk.TextTag.set_ForegroundGdk (Color value) [0x00000]
at Smuxi.Frontend.Gnome.MessageTextView.GetTextTagName (Smuxi.Engine.TextColor fgColor, Smuxi.Engine.TextColor bgColor) [0x00000]
at Smuxi.Frontend.Gnome.MessageTextView.AddMessage (Smuxi.Engine.MessageModel msg, Boolean addLinebreak) [0x00000]
at Smuxi.Frontend.Gnome.MessageTextView.AddMessage (Smuxi.Engine.MessageModel msg) [0x00000]
at Smuxi.Frontend.Gnome.ChatView.AddMessage (Smuxi.Engine.MessageModel msg) [0x00000]
at Smuxi.Frontend.Gnome.ChatView.Sync () [0x00000]
at Smuxi.Frontend.Gnome.GroupChatView.Sync () [0x00000]
at Smuxi.Frontend.Gnome.GnomeUI+<SyncChat>c__AnonStoreyA.<>m__16 (System.Object , System.EventArgs ) [0x00000]
at Gtk.Application+InvokeCB.Invoke () [0x00000]
at GLib.Timeout+TimeoutProxy.Handler () [0x00000]

Bildschirmfoto.png (230 KB) Bianca Mix, 02/19/2010 09:50 PM


Updated by Mirco Bauer 5247 days ago


Looks like a local GTK# version screw up to me. Please give me the output of dpkg -l | grep -- -cil | egrep 'lib(glib|glade|gtk)'. libgtk, libglade and libglib version must match.

Updated by Bianca Mix 5243 days ago


~$ dpkg -l | grep -- -cil | egrep 'lib(glib|glade|gtk)'
ii libglade2.0-cil 2.12.9-3 CLI binding for the Glade libraries 2.6
ii libglib2.0-cil 2.12.9-3 CLI binding for the GLib utility library 2.1
ii libgtk2.0-cil 2.12.9-1~bpo50+1 CLI binding for the GTK+ toolkit 2.12
ii libgtkhtml3.16-cil 2.20.1-3 CLI binding for GtkHTML 3.16

Updated by Mirco Bauer 5243 days ago

  • Status changed from New to Rejected
  • 1 set to invalid

This issue is a local system issue and not an issue in Smuxi and could be solved by ensuring that all GTK# packages are using the same version.

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