Feature #170
set away automatically when no connection to server
Status: | Closed | Start: | 04/13/2009 | |
Priority: | Normal | Due date: | ||
Assigned to: | % Done: | 100% |
Category: | Engine | |||
Target version: | 0.8 | |||
Complexity: | Medium |
Votes: | 1 (View) |
It would be nice to appear as away to others when you are not connected to the smuxi-server.
I never used /away but relied on the bouncer to do that.
Associated revisions
Revision dfc486faff93b9e1af9234e76816b177f4f23539
Automatically set and unset away state. (closes: #170)
When the last connected frontend disconnects from the session and when a
frontend connects again it will automatically update the away state for all
protocol managers.
This feature introduces a simple presence API which each protocol manager can
support. (closes: #454)
Updated by Mirco Bauer 5782 days ago
- Category set to Engine
- Assigned to set to Mirco Bauer
Thats a good idea, I planned to do that as some kind of "auto-away" plugin (once we have a plugin API that is). It could activate away based on inactivity or no connected frontends.
Updated by Mirco Bauer 5515 days ago
- Complexity set to Medium
As there is no presence API to set "away" in a protocol neutral way, this is could be easy but its not. The Session object knows how many active frontends are connected (via the FrontendManager registry).
Updated by Mirco Bauer 5286 days ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Applied in changeset dfc486faff93b9e1af9234e76816b177f4f23539.