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Toggle_check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assigned to  Sort_asc Updated Votes
932 BugNewNormalSmuxi buffers missing some lines after crash01/05/2014 05:35 PM0
903 BugFeedbackNormalsmuxi-server,smuxi-frontend-gnome hang on FUTEX_WAIT_PRIVATE during startup11/16/2013 02:16 PM0
937 BugNewNormalException: Return value has an invalid type01/08/2014 09:11 PM0
938 BugNewLowSmuxi doesn't start with broken PNG support (TypeInitializationException in Smuxi.Frontend.Gnome.IndicateManager)01/11/2014 03:45 PM0
943 FeatureNewLowWebRTC support01/19/2014 01:42 PM1
945 FeatureNewLownew messages should appear on bottom of screen when only few messages are in the chat03/30/2014 09:39 AM-1
952 FeatureNewNormalRemember chat list width04/24/2015 07:24 AM0
955 FeatureNewLowAdditional Message Patterns05/14/2015 09:05 AM0
959 BugNewNormalException: An item with the same key has already been added.03/09/2014 01:47 PM0
967 BugNewNormalui hangup when ssh tunnel is killed04/20/2015 06:05 PM1
971 BugNewHighException: Expected assignment operator (=) - Line: 1, Position: 306.06/13/2014 07:08 PM0
973 BugNewHighMessages appear in log, but not in smuxi window07/13/2014 10:59 AM0
974 BugNewNormalChat list sometimes flickers when changing selection07/13/2014 10:51 AM0
975 FeatureNewNormalLow-bandwidth mode should prompt to download any important buffers05/14/2015 09:01 AM0
977 BugNewNormalConnection to XMPP server with SHA2 certificate signature fails on mono 2.6 even when certificate verify is disabled05/24/2015 07:13 PM0
980 FeatureNewNormalMake Crtrl-Shift-+/- do font resizing08/26/2014 08:37 PM0
982 FeatureNewNormalForcing Engine Buffer Lines to be larger than Buffer Lines08/29/2014 06:36 PM0
986 BugNewNormalBackend/server has got stuck09/03/2014 06:12 PM0
989 SupportNewNormalAdd instructions for building Debian packages directly from git repository09/04/2014 11:43 AM0
990 FeatureNewNormalNavigate chat list using mouse wheel09/17/2014 01:12 PM0
991 FeatureNewNormal"Copy link location" in right-click context menu09/17/2014 05:00 PM0
993 BugNewNormalaway status not cleared when attaching to a znc server 09/22/2014 07:01 PM0
994 FeatureNewNormalShow away status in userlist03/10/2015 06:55 PM2
995 BugNewNormalException: Could not load type Smuxi.Engine.TwitterProtocolManager, smuxi-engine-twitter, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null while decoding custom attribute10/09/2014 11:26 AM0
1012 BugNewNormalno stats provided by smuxi-server01/05/2015 09:15 PM1
957 BugFeedbackNormalException: Unexpected binary element: 002/23/2014 07:00 PM0
1026 FeatureNewNormalPreserve/Bookmark log for later reading03/02/2015 10:56 PM1
1028 BugNewNormalMultiple Facebook connexions : same title03/10/2015 12:43 PM0
1029 BugNewNormalPreferences dialog box blocks for ~2 seconds or more when opening03/10/2015 07:07 PM0
1036 BugNewNormalSmuxi does not use the consoles output codepage03/26/2015 06:17 AM0
1042 FeatureNewNormalRemember command history across restarts04/26/2015 08:38 AM1
1044 BugNewNormalObjectDisposedException printed in the console when quitting smuxi (under SingleApplicationInstance code)05/14/2015 08:39 AM0
1052 BugNewNormalAuto-resize issues with small windows06/26/2015 04:18 PM1
1059 BugNewNormalThrown exception on first-run Engine-Manager and quitting it via "Quit"-Button05/23/2015 01:04 PM0
1060 BugNewNormalNick-color mismatch in nicklist05/23/2015 01:11 PM0
1061 BugNewNormalsmuxi-server no longer accepted connections06/03/2015 10:34 PM0
1065 BugNewNormalException: Expected assignment operator (=) - Line: 1, Position: 623.05/30/2015 12:45 AM0
1068 FeatureNewLowBeagle search integration10/20/2016 11:10 AM1
1071 BugNewNormalException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object06/29/2016 10:45 PM1
1074 BugNewNormalTray icon lost on kde5 (plasma5)07/27/2015 01:47 PM0
1075 BugNewNormalException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object06/29/2016 10:39 PM0
1076 BugNewNormalERROR Smuxi.Engine.IrcProtocolManager - OnOwner()/OnDeowner()02/15/2016 11:35 AM0
1077 BugNewNormalException when reconnecting to freenode on secured connection08/04/2015 07:28 AM0
1078 BugNewNormalERROR Smuxi.Engine.Session - AddMessageToChat08/23/2015 12:34 AM0
1079 BugNewNormalUnread counter counts from old session after /shutdown09/03/2015 08:06 PM0
1081 FeatureNewNormalCtrl+L keyboard shortcut should clear the screen10/05/2015 09:57 AM0
1085 BugNewLownick pane doesn't keep its width in tilling wm01/27/2016 06:25 PM0
1088 FeatureNewNormalconfiguration to hide or position the nicklist08/06/2016 12:23 AM0
1089 BugNewNormalSmuxi hangs at exit02/13/2016 01:15 PM0
1090 BugNewHighsmuxi quits by itself when in the background06/25/2016 11:50 AM0

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