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Toggle_check # Project Tracker Status Priority Subject  Sort_asc Assigned to Updated Votes
823 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalChange interface colors (marker line, urls)Mirco Bauer05/30/2015 10:14 AM1
138 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalchange status in tray icon context menuMirco Bauer08/09/2013 08:17 PM1
1046 SmuxiBugNewNormalChannel list in 1.0-rc2 is a lot more squished.Georgi Karavasilev05/01/2015 07:01 PM0
328 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalCharacter count for TwitterMirco Bauer05/13/2015 08:34 PM3
974 SmuxiBugNewNormalChat list sometimes flickers when changing selection07/13/2014 10:51 AM0
282 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalClickable channelsDavid Paleino08/29/2010 11:53 PM0
901 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalClient should round-robin sync with core's persistent buffers rather than doing an entire channel.11/04/2013 08:33 PM1
493 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalClosing server tabs without killing connection09/13/2010 02:05 PM0
171 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalcolorize people who are away X-Chat-styleMirco Bauer08/24/2012 11:31 PM3
135 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalcompletion/suggestion of wordsMirco Bauer01/05/2010 03:07 AM0
1009 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalConfig to disable auto-awayMirco Bauer01/05/2015 05:15 PM0
511 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalConfigurable logging filename11/26/2013 07:30 PM1
510 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalConfigurable logging path11/26/2013 07:30 PM1
1088 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalconfiguration to hide or position the nicklist08/06/2016 12:23 AM0
570 SmuxiBugFeedbackNormalConfigured tab colors are shown too dark11/26/2013 08:10 PM0
541 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalConfirmation dialog for auto connect on first startMirco Bauer08/24/2015 04:50 PM1
618 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalConnect command should support URL syntaxMirco Bauer11/26/2013 07:50 PM0
658 SmuxiBugFeedbackUrgentConnection looping with NullReferenceException on serverMirco Bauer11/26/2013 08:12 PM0
977 SmuxiBugNewNormalConnection to XMPP server with SHA2 certificate signature fails on mono 2.6 even when certificate verify is disabled05/24/2015 07:13 PM0
174 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalcontextmenu on nicks in chatwindow07/16/2010 05:25 PM0
1106 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalCopy on select07/02/2017 10:12 AM0
604 SmuxiBugFeedbackNormalcrash after startup from hibernate mode12/07/2011 06:18 PM0
555 SmuxiBugFeedbackNormalCrash in groupchat searchMirco Bauer05/19/2013 11:19 PM0
313 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalCTCP flood protection08/21/2010 10:35 AM0
1081 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalCtrl+L keyboard shortcut should clear the screen10/05/2015 09:57 AM0
546 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalCursor-based frontend/backend communication / dynamic backscrollMirco Bauer02/22/2020 05:03 PM4
377 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalCustomizable Chat BackgroundsMirco Bauer05/19/2010 06:36 PM0
816 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalCustomize Xmpp's ProtocolChatViewOliver Schneider11/14/2013 07:25 PM0
997 SmuxiBugNewNormalDatabaseFileLockedException thrown in Db4oMessageBuffer.InitDatabase()Mirco Bauer02/13/2015 10:44 AM0
820 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalDCC/XDCCMirco Bauer02/14/2015 08:31 PM2
237 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalDebug Log Tab/WindowMirco Bauer01/05/2010 02:48 AM0
361 SmartDaoBugNewNormalDecimal not being compatible with DoubleMirco Bauer03/04/2010 10:59 AM0
675 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalDesktop Notification Support for Windows and Mac OS XMirco Bauer11/26/2013 07:51 PM0
490 SmuxiBugNewNormalDesktop notifications: inconsitent handling of clearing of tab highlight colorMirco Bauer09/12/2010 05:13 PM0
487 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalDetachable tabsMirco Bauer09/11/2010 06:19 PM0
606 SmuxiBugNewLowDifferent timestampes shown for bashcompletion and recived msgs.Mirco Bauer11/26/2013 08:02 PM0
427 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalDiscussion monitorMirco Bauer08/01/2010 05:43 PM0
1083 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalDo not store application state into configurationMirco Bauer01/27/2016 12:24 PM0
485 SmuxiFeatureNewLowDocky helperMirco Bauer11/26/2013 07:27 PM0
1099 SmuxiBugNewNormalDon't send server password to nickserv01/22/2017 11:45 PM0
680 SmuxiBugNewNormalDualhead: Restore from Tray restores to Screen #1 where it shoudl restore to Screen #201/29/2012 01:38 PM2
745 SmuxiBugFeedbackNormalDuplicate entries in server preferences08/26/2012 12:01 PM0
682 SmuxiBugNewNormalDuplicate query windows from the same user01/27/2012 08:39 PM0
747 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalEmbedded Media Preview03/02/2013 03:37 PM2
1066 SmuxiBugNewNormalEmojis not visible on Windows and OS XMirco Bauer09/24/2015 03:47 PM0
503 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalEnable confirmation of quitting Smuxi11/26/2013 07:29 PM0
1049 SmuxiBugNewNormalEncoding error when receiving messagesMirco Bauer05/02/2015 02:49 PM0
1048 SmuxiBugFeedbackNormalEncoding error when sending messagesMirco Bauer05/02/2015 03:00 PM0
27 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalencoding setting per serverMirco Bauer06/06/2015 01:43 AM3
1030 SmuxiBugNewNormalEngine Assistant - SSH Credentials -- not possible to set SSH Keyfile back to nullMirco Bauer03/10/2015 08:04 PM0

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