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Toggle_check # Project Tracker Status Priority Subject  Sort_asc Assigned to Updated Votes
560 SmuxiBugNewNormalnick twice in user list02/20/2011 06:32 AM0
500 SmuxiBugNewLowNick-color collisionsMirco Bauer11/26/2013 08:01 PM1
1060 SmuxiBugNewNormalNick-color mismatch in nicklist05/23/2015 01:11 PM0
585 SmuxiFeatureFeedbackNormalNicklist right-click menu on Chat Tab right click12/22/2013 06:50 PM1
939 SmuxiBugNewLownickname of others triggers highlight and notificationMirco Bauer01/12/2014 04:52 PM0
1017 SmuxiBugNewLowNicknames of others should not trigger highlightsMirco Bauer05/14/2015 08:53 AM0
495 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalNo /help text for individual commands09/13/2010 02:08 PM0
985 SmuxiBugNewImmediateno state transition initial+sync during frontend connect of freshly started smuxi-serverMirco Bauer09/01/2014 05:59 PM0
1012 SmuxiBugNewNormalno stats provided by smuxi-server01/05/2015 09:15 PM1
887 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalNOTIFY aka friends listMirco Bauer09/26/2013 01:39 AM1
729 SmuxiBugNewNormalNullReferenceException in ChatModel.GetLogFile()Mirco Bauer08/18/2013 01:38 PM0
933 SmuxiBugNewHighNullReferenceException in Db4oMessageBuffer.FetchIndex()Mirco Bauer01/05/2014 05:37 PM0
720 SmuxiBugNewNormalNullReferenceException in System.Object.ToString()06/04/2012 10:59 AM0
1023 SmuxiBugNewNormalNullReferenceException thrown in Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.ResolverContractKey.GetHashCode()Mirco Bauer02/04/2015 03:32 PM0
1022 SmuxiBugNewNormalNullReferenceException thrown in SqliteMessageBuffer.Add()Mirco Bauer06/03/2015 10:36 PM0
1044 SmuxiBugNewNormalObjectDisposedException printed in the console when quitting smuxi (under SingleApplicationInstance code)05/14/2015 08:39 AM0
857 SmuxiBugNewNormalOn smaller screen resolutions the preferences window is too big06/26/2013 01:44 AM0
925 SmuxiBugNewNormalon-message-received hook does not hook first PMMirco Bauer12/27/2013 07:44 PM0
415 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalOpen twitter hashtags like they are chatsMirco Bauer05/13/2015 08:35 PM3
766 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalOption for toolbar only with icons10/07/2012 04:01 PM0
586 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalOption to disable last-action-marker07/12/2011 07:02 PM1
587 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalOption to enable auto connect of remote engine10/26/2012 01:02 PM2
219 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalOption to Left-Align nick name in chat-window to eliminate crag05/02/2017 09:06 AM4
525 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalOption to only show topic on join and changeMirco Bauer10/24/2010 12:10 AM2
726 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalOption to temporarily deactivate filters08/18/2013 01:38 PM1
679 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalOption to temporarily enable/disable filters01/16/2012 10:36 AM0
651 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalOTR supportMirco Bauer08/25/2015 07:55 AM5
1006 SmuxiBugNewNormalOverflowException in agsXMPP.Xml.Xpnet.Encoding.setCharType()Mirco Bauer12/23/2014 05:40 PM0
930 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalp2p, encrypted, anonymous, registration free messagingMirco Bauer04/24/2015 07:20 AM0
1100 SmuxiBugNewNormalParallel make builds (make -jN) sometimes failMirco Bauer01/29/2017 06:11 AM0
886 SmuxiBugNewNormalpasswords containing quotes will be cut off at the quote09/03/2015 06:39 AM0
712 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalPastebin ServiceMirco Bauer08/25/2012 10:34 AM1
1047 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalPer channel encoding supportMirco Bauer05/02/2015 03:03 PM0
688 SmuxiFeatureNewLowPersist Command HistoryMirco Bauer02/20/2012 10:24 AM1
295 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalPlease highlight topics in twitter timeline, make it clickable and feed it05/13/2015 08:35 PM1
180 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalPlease implement FiSH IRC encryption algorithm for smuxi10/11/2012 05:19 PM0
186 SmuxiFeatureNewLowPlease support banshee-style tray behaviourMirco Bauer01/05/2010 02:56 AM0
664 SmuxiFeatureNewLowPre-written quit/disconnect message in settings08/03/2015 04:47 AM1
1029 SmuxiBugNewNormalPreferences dialog box blocks for ~2 seconds or more when opening03/10/2015 07:07 PM0
70 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalPreserve user nick across reconnectsMirco Bauer08/29/2010 11:51 PM0
1026 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalPreserve/Bookmark log for later reading03/02/2015 10:56 PM1
862 SmuxiSupportNewNormalProblem with BouncerMirco Bauer08/07/2013 10:09 PM0
340 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalProgress bar for Preferences loading/savingMirco Bauer02/07/2010 10:43 AM0
815 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalProper Contactlist for xmppOliver Schneider02/26/2013 01:24 PM0
72 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalProvide an option to bold nicknames in the channel windowMirco Bauer07/23/2008 08:03 PM0
142 SmuxiFeatureNewHighprovide standalone binariesMirco Bauer05/06/2014 05:38 PM4
792 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalPush Messages on Android03/12/2014 01:17 AM1
1087 SmuxiBugFeedbackNormalQ spams across channels on Quakenet02/05/2016 04:42 PM0
1094 SmuxiBugNewNormalRed line (that indicates when new unread messages start) disappears after clicking on a Twitter link10/26/2016 05:03 PM0
909 SmuxiFeatureNewLowreduce/optimize the spacing of userlist and treeviewMirco Bauer11/30/2013 05:01 PM0
699 SmuxiBugFeedbackNormalReestablishing an SSL connection errors05/26/2012 04:51 PM0
952 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalRemember chat list width04/24/2015 07:24 AM0
1042 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalRemember command history across restarts04/26/2015 08:38 AM1
431 SmuxiBugNewNormalRemoting ExceptionMirco Bauer08/03/2010 10:15 PM0
598 SmuxiBugNewNormalRemotingException when smuxi-server was killed05/20/2011 07:35 PM0
782 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalremove join+part message of inactive contacts11/22/2012 10:55 PM0
565 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalReorder server listMirco Bauer02/20/2011 06:12 AM0
1070 SmuxiTaskNewNormalReplace Mono's System.Security library with something betterMirco Bauer01/09/2017 09:20 AM0
1069 SmuxiTaskNewNormalReplace Mono.Data.Sqlite with something nicerMirco Bauer06/13/2015 01:58 AM1
134 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalreplace text smileys with graphical smileys01/03/2014 03:47 PM0
913 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalrestore old tab based chat layout (instead of the new chat list)02/24/2014 05:53 PM1
196 SmuxiBugFeedbackNormalResuming a ZNC 0.74 session results in a connection failure.05/26/2012 05:17 PM0
754 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalRight Click Nick's in Channel for same menu as nick list12/16/2012 05:58 PM0
1093 SmuxiBugNewLowRight-click -> Close, on Twitter, shows pointless warning dialogMirco Bauer10/11/2016 02:21 PM0
98 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalSASL supportMirco Bauer01/03/2015 11:15 AM2
1038 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalSave/restore connected servers and joined channels of the client during restartMirco Bauer05/25/2016 02:50 PM7
93 SmuxiFeatureNewHighscreensaver / typing break supportMirco Bauer08/09/2013 08:18 PM1
477 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalScroll to message position from message indicator12/18/2010 06:26 PM0
127 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalScrollback to a specified TimestampMirco Bauer09/28/2008 12:37 PM0
128 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalScrollback to last highlightMirco Bauer09/28/2008 12:39 PM0
475 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalSeamless upgrading of smuxi-server09/07/2010 02:35 PM0
289 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalSearch by topic01/13/2010 01:56 AM0
61 SmuxiFeatureAssignedHighsearch dialog for searching the chat windowMirco Bauer10/20/2016 11:30 AM4
761 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalSend email for messages with highlightsMirco Bauer11/26/2013 07:53 PM0
781 SmuxiBugNewNormalSerializationException when disconnected from engineMirco Bauer12/05/2012 01:53 PM0
460 SmuxiTaskNewHighServer bind addressMirco Bauer11/26/2013 08:12 PM0
690 SmuxiFeatureNewLowServer output independent from chat and adjustable/hideable02/23/2012 01:29 PM1
527 SmuxiBugNewNormalSet process name Mirco Bauer04/29/2013 11:37 AM1
834 SmuxiBugNewNormalsetting a server's hostname to "" causes that server to disappear from the listMirco Bauer04/30/2013 02:43 PM0
948 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalShare vertical space of chat list and user listMirco Bauer01/26/2014 02:43 PM0
1021 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalShip SSH askpass for MacMirco Bauer02/15/2016 11:37 AM0
1007 SmuxiBugNewNormalShould not highlight conversations that have been already replied toOliver Schneider12/24/2014 01:11 PM0
994 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalShow away status in userlist03/10/2015 06:55 PM2
746 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalShow by-pass proxy check-box in server settings if proxy usage is globally enabled.08/24/2012 06:44 PM1
701 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalShow hidden menu bar when ALT key is pressed on WindowsMirco Bauer03/18/2012 10:16 AM1
519 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalShow keybindings when holding alt10/07/2010 11:02 PM0
689 SmuxiFeatureNewLowShow last open servers and channelsMirco Bauer02/20/2012 10:24 AM1
335 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalshow messages of background-commands like reconnects02/04/2010 12:10 AM0
927 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalShow network names in addition of host names in server list01/02/2014 11:07 PM0
501 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalShow realname in tooltip when hovering over a nickMirco Bauer11/26/2013 07:28 PM0
686 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalShow/Hide Events modeMirco Bauer06/25/2012 10:14 AM1
383 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalsmart highlightingMirco Bauer06/10/2010 07:55 PM0
758 SmuxiBugNewHighSmuxi and tray icon doesn't behave right09/14/2012 02:14 PM0
932 SmuxiBugNewNormalSmuxi buffers missing some lines after crash01/05/2014 05:35 PM0
1004 SmuxiBugNewNormalSmuxi does not start with Mono on WindowsMirco Bauer01/07/2015 11:45 AM0
1036 SmuxiBugNewNormalSmuxi does not use the consoles output codepage03/26/2015 06:17 AM0
897 SmuxiBugNewNormalSmuxi doesn't obey display language of Windows 8.1 MUI12/20/2013 05:28 AM0
938 SmuxiBugNewLowSmuxi doesn't start with broken PNG support (TypeInitializationException in Smuxi.Frontend.Gnome.IndicateManager)01/11/2014 03:45 PM0
789 SmuxiBugNewNormalSmuxi frontends fail to connect to the smuxi-server if a SSH ControlMaster is already runningMirco Bauer12/12/2012 10:16 PM0
970 SmuxiBugNewNormalSmuxi hangs (cannot be closed) after sudden disconnection (i.e. after coming back from suspend)Mirco Bauer05/14/2014 11:10 PM0
1089 SmuxiBugNewNormalSmuxi hangs at exit02/13/2016 01:15 PM0
1084 SmuxiBugResolvedNormalSmuxi is not responding when quitting on Mono >= 4.2.1Mirco Bauer02/13/2016 01:14 PM0
839 SmuxiBugNewNormalSmuxi joins channels which have been removed from auto-connect list11/17/2014 12:34 PM1
673 SmuxiBugNewNormalSmuxi log contains "Database.Ext().GetByID(XXX) with index 0 returned null!" errors05/27/2012 12:01 PM0
1019 SmuxiBugNewNormalSmuxi not detecting being GHOSTed by irc serverMirco Bauer05/22/2015 03:18 PM0
749 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalSmuxi not supporting audio notifications08/26/2012 04:15 PM0
1090 SmuxiBugNewHighsmuxi quits by itself when in the background06/25/2016 11:50 AM0
892 SmuxiBugNewNormalSmuxi Reappears on Reconnect12/20/2013 05:28 AM0
1098 SmuxiBugNewNormalsmuxi reconnects to irc channels which were closed after a connection timeout11/29/2016 04:30 PM0
65 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalSmuxi should have a DBUS interfaceMirco Bauer03/31/2011 08:25 PM0
788 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalSmuxi should save the increased send delay setting between engine restartsMirco Bauer06/03/2015 10:51 PM0
663 SmuxiBugNewNormalSmuxi stays available in FacebookMirco Bauer11/26/2013 08:01 PM0
506 SmuxiBugNewUrgentSmuxi suddenly hangs in desktop notificationMirco Bauer12/07/2011 06:55 PM0
1105 SmuxiBugNewNormalSmuxi's Redmine emails are still pointing to old URL/domain06/05/2017 05:51 AM0
1024 SmuxiBugNewNormalsmuxi-server needs to marshal non-Smuxi and non-runtime (System.*) exceptionsMirco Bauer02/15/2015 01:38 PM0
1061 SmuxiBugNewNormalsmuxi-server no longer accepted connections06/03/2015 10:34 PM0
592 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalsmuxi-server should support --bindaddress and --port as parametersMirco Bauer11/26/2013 07:49 PM0
903 SmuxiBugFeedbackNormalsmuxi-server,smuxi-frontend-gnome hang on FUTEX_WAIT_PRIVATE during startup11/16/2013 02:16 PM0
960 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalSocial Login SupportMirco Bauer03/24/2014 09:05 PM0
799 SmuxiBugNewNormalSome common characters in the Network name cause crash on connection01/15/2013 09:30 PM0
1053 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalSpell checking on WindowsMirco Bauer05/11/2015 08:39 AM1
611 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalSplit screen for history viewing and active chat at the same time07/27/2011 09:06 AM0
1031 SmuxiBugNewNormalSSH Credentials screen does not explain that keyfile must be PuTTY format in Windows, OpenSSH in LinuxMirco Bauer03/10/2015 08:10 PM0
406 SmuxiBugNewNormalSSH-password in terminal04/03/2011 11:00 AM0
741 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalstatus icon should always indicate unseen highlights11/26/2013 07:52 PM0
537 MonoTorrentBugNewNormalStop() hangs stopping.02/25/2012 08:53 AM1
899 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalStore password in system keyring (via libsecret)12/26/2013 02:04 PM1
796 mono-natFeatureNewNormalStrong naming01/08/2013 02:52 PM0
496 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalSupport creating new servers with connect09/13/2010 02:10 PM0
1096 SmuxiFeatureNewLowSupport for IPFS chat (distributed, serverless, not yet encrypted)10/20/2016 05:13 AM0
1092 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalSupport for Matrix in Smuxi Mirco Bauer07/15/2016 06:49 PM0
580 MonoTorrentFeatureNewHighSupport for MonoDroid04/04/2011 07:41 PM1
482 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalSupport for relevant commandsMirco Bauer09/07/2010 05:26 PM0
188 SmuxiFeatureNewLowSupport lastlog a la irssiMirco Bauer09/15/2010 07:43 PM0
760 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalSupport native gnome-shell notifications (with inline reply)Mirco Bauer09/22/2012 08:22 PM1
577 SmartDaoFeatureNewNormalSupport of CHAR database typeMirco Bauer03/18/2011 01:59 PM0
734 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalSupport proxy by-pass list settingMirco Bauer01/22/2014 07:45 PM1
437 SmuxiFeatureNewLowSupport Twitter lists05/13/2015 08:34 PM1
705 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalSuppress colour corrections by settable optionMirco Bauer12/17/2015 12:04 PM0
709 SmuxiBugNewNormalSystem.ArgumentNullException during connect to remote engineMirco Bauer05/11/2013 01:55 PM0
999 SmuxiBugNewNormalSystem.Net.HttpWebRequest..cctor() throws ArgumentExceptionMirco Bauer11/28/2014 06:46 PM0
698 SmuxiFeatureNewLowTab Colors - Diffrent colors for server and channel tabsMirco Bauer03/02/2012 09:45 AM1
609 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalTab stacking08/13/2011 11:47 AM3
1059 SmuxiBugNewNormalThrown exception on first-run Engine-Manager and quitting it via "Quit"-Button05/23/2015 01:04 PM0
1055 SmuxiBugNewNormalToggling main menuMirco Bauer05/16/2015 06:36 PM0
215 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalTrack nick name changes for nick colorsMirco Bauer08/28/2010 11:54 PM0
1043 SmuxiBugNewUrgentTransformations not specified by the protocol, should be opt-in not opt-outMirco Bauer07/05/2015 03:07 AM1
1074 SmuxiBugNewNormalTray icon lost on kde5 (plasma5)07/27/2015 01:47 PM0
733 SmuxiBugNewNormalTwitter "Connection failed!"Mirco Bauer08/26/2012 12:40 PM0
978 SmuxiBugNewUrgentTwitter engine fails retrieving timelines after some time with Object reference not set to an instance of an objectMirco Bauer08/14/2014 12:34 PM0
1054 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalTwitter ListsMirco Bauer05/13/2015 08:24 PM0
333 SmuxiBugFeedbackNormalTwitter login failure with ÆØÅ characters in passwordMirco Bauer05/01/2010 08:13 PM0
582 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalTwitter userlist should be updated from time to time04/06/2011 08:52 PM0
1097 SmuxiBugNewNormalTwitter: right click on a nickname on the left panel (after doing /timeline nickname) should list "Follow" commandAndrés G. Aragoneses10/31/2016 09:12 AM0
904 SmuxiBugNewNormalTwitterizer doesn't support error code 88 "Rate limit exceeded"Mirco Bauer12/20/2013 05:28 AM0
646 SmuxiFeatureNewHighTwo connections with same network nameMirco Bauer11/26/2013 07:50 PM1
961 SmuxiBugNewNormalubuntu 14.04 - tree view corrupted.Mirco Bauer01/20/2015 01:49 PM0
1109 SmuxiBugNewNormalUI freezeMirco Bauer08/30/2017 04:05 AM0
1037 SmuxiBugNewNormalUI hangs after interruption of the SSH tunnel on Windows with MonoMirco Bauer07/22/2015 10:59 AM1
967 SmuxiBugNewNormalui hangup when ssh tunnel is killed04/20/2015 06:05 PM1
1011 SmuxiBugNewNormalUnclear information how to install only serverMirco Bauer01/05/2015 10:52 AM0
696 mono-natBugNewNormalUnhandled XmlException on invalid XML02/22/2012 06:50 PM0
1079 SmuxiBugNewNormalUnread counter counts from old session after /shutdown09/03/2015 08:06 PM0
687 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalUpdate notifications on OS X and WindowsMirco Bauer11/26/2013 07:51 PM0
922 SmuxiFeatureNewNormaluse background color for marking messages with highlight wordsMirco Bauer01/26/2014 02:31 PM0
562 SmuxiTaskNewNormalUse NDesk.Options to parse commandsMirco Bauer01/25/2011 06:09 PM0
775 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalUse Telepathy as account providerMirco Bauer03/21/2014 11:31 AM0
916 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalUse the xmpp events from Facebook to show the users status.12/18/2013 08:10 PM0
79 SmuxiFeatureNewHighuser documentationMirco Bauer07/29/2008 12:40 PM0
855 SmuxiFeatureNewLowUser nick colour options07/25/2013 08:30 PM1
884 SmuxiBugNewNormalUserlist does not apply user's chosen background colour, making user modes invisibleMirco Bauer02/15/2016 11:39 AM0
622 SmuxiBugNewUrgentUsers who join while a chat is synced are not visible in the nicklistMirco Bauer11/26/2013 07:58 PM2
640 SmuxiBugNewNormalValidation of certificates always failMirco Bauer01/09/2017 09:22 AM0
279 SmuxiBugNewHighVirtual line break not working correctly for long messagesMirco Bauer02/21/2011 10:01 AM0
943 SmuxiFeatureNewLowWebRTC support01/19/2014 01:42 PM1
379 MonoTorrentSupportNewNormalWhen downloading torrent where only web seed is available there is a long delay05/30/2010 09:30 PM0
173 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalwhois output in current channelMirco Bauer01/05/2010 02:59 AM0
101 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalwindow highlight for all group chat messagesMirco Bauer01/03/2014 03:53 PM1
599 SmuxiBugNewNormalwindow not closable05/20/2011 11:38 PM0
1032 SmuxiBugNewNormalWindows installer puts icon on desktop without consentMirco Bauer03/10/2015 08:20 PM0
1025 SmuxiBugNewNormalWrong layout after using Fullscreen mode and switching it off again.Mirco Bauer02/26/2015 08:44 PM0
950 SmuxiBugNewNormalXMPP double clicking a user inside a room, and sending a message, failsOliver Schneider01/28/2014 05:53 PM0
1027 SmuxiBugNewNormalXMPP status changes not grayed outMirco Bauer12/17/2015 11:56 AM0
951 SmuxiBugNewNormalXMPP: bad user experience when message from server '[email protected] wishes to subscribe to you'Oliver Schneider07/13/2014 01:43 PM0
517 SmuxiFeatureNewNormalZeitgeist IntegrationMirco Bauer11/26/2013 07:28 PM0
865 SmuxiFeatureNewNormal[UI] Visible indicator for "browser mode"08/18/2013 01:52 PM1
239 SmuxiBugNewNormal| can't be used as part of the nick in preferences -> connection -> nicknameMirco Bauer01/22/2014 07:20 AM0

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