Creating Torrents

Version 9 (Alan McGovern, 07/30/2009 12:38 AM)

1 2 Alan McGovern
h1. Creating Torrents
2 2 Alan McGovern
3 8 Alan McGovern
[[Creating Torrents#Example-1|Example 1]] shows how to create a simple torrent.
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[[Creating Torrents#Example-2|Example 2]] shows how to create a torrent asynchronously so that it does not block the main thread in your application.
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[[Creating Torrents#Example-3|Example 3]] shows how to abort the creation of a torrent after it has started
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h2. Example 1
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<pre><code class="java">
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        // 'path' is the location of the file/folder which is going to be converted
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        // to a torrent. 'savePath' is where the .torrent file will be saved.
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        void CreateTorrent(string path, string savePath)
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            // The class used for creating the torrent
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            TorrentCreator c = new TorrentCreator();
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            // Add one tier which contains two trackers
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            List<string> tier = new List<string>();
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            c.Comment = "This is the comment";
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            c.CreatedBy = "Alan using " + VersionInfo.ClientVersion;
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            c.Publisher = "";
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            // Set the torrent as private so it will not use DHT or peer exchange
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            // Generally you will not want to set this.
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            c.Private = true;
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            // Path can be either a directory *or* a file.
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            c.Path = path;
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            // Every time a piece has been hashed, this event will fire. It is an
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            // asynchronous event, so you have to handle threading yourself.
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            c.Hashed += delegate (object o, TorrentCreatorEventArgs e) {
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                Console.WriteLine("Current File is {0}% hashed", e.FileCompletion);
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                Console.WriteLine("Overall {0}% hashed", e.OverallCompletion);
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                Console.WriteLine("Total data to hash: {0}", e.OverallSize);
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            // Create the torrent file and save it to the specified path
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44 1
45 1
46 1
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h2. Example 2
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<pre><code class="java">
50 5 Alan McGovern
        // 'path' is the location of the file/folder which is going to be converted
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        // to a torrent. 'savePath' is where the .torrent file will be saved.
52 5 Alan McGovern
        void CreateTorrent(string path, string savePath)
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            // The class used for creating the torrent
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            TorrentCreator c = new TorrentCreator();
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            // Fill in the path, trackers as in Example 1
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            // Create the torrent asynchronously
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            c.BeginCreate(c, TorrentCreated);
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        void TorrentCreated(IAsyncResult result)
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            TorrentCreator c = (TorrentCreator)result.AsyncState;
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            // If any errors occured while creating the torrent, they
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            // will be rethrown here.
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                // Open the destination file and use the EndCreate overload which
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                // writes the data directly to the Stream. 
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                using (FileStream stream = File.OpenWrite(savePath))
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                    c.EndCreate(result, stream);
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            catch (Exception ex)
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79 1
                Console.WriteLine("Error creating torrent: {0}", ex);
80 1
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h2. Example 3
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<pre><code class="java">
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        // 'path' is the location of the file/folder which is going to be converted
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        // to a torrent. 'savePath' is where the .torrent file will be saved.
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        void CreateTorrent(string path, string savePath)
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            // The class used for creating the torrent
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            TorrentCreator c = new TorrentCreator();
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            // Fill in the path, trackers as in Example 1
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            // Create the torrent asynchronously and keep a reference to the
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            // IAsyncResult it returns
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            TorrentCreatorAsyncResult result = c.BeginCreate(c, TorrentCreated);
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            // Abort creation of the torrent (can be called at any stage). Note, you
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            // can only abort the creation if the torrent is created asynchronously
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