Bug #1099


Don't send server password to nickserv

Added by Noel Kuntze 2942 days ago.

Status:New Start:01/22/2017
Priority:Normal Due date:
Assigned to:- % Done:


Target version:-

Found in Version:


Votes: 0


Hello, I've observed that smuxi seems to try to auth to nickserv after connecting to the IRC server or bouncer using the defined username and password for the IRC server.
I'm using a bouncer and the credentials for my bouncer account are different from the credentials for my nickserv account. Anyway, the client should never send it to the server and try to auth against nickserv,
because not all networks support it. And it still seems to do it. When it tries do auth against nickserv, that fails and every 5 connections, nickserv kicks me for failing authentication.

I did not find a way to disable that. I don't have any commands in the fields to automatically exexcute in the options.

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