Feature #1026


Preserve/Bookmark log for later reading

Added by Andre n 3662 days ago. Updated 3662 days ago.

Status:New Start:03/02/2015
Priority:Normal Due date:
Assigned to:- % Done:


Target version:- Estimated time:1.00 hour

Votes: 1 (View)


It would be pretty cool to have a mechanism to preserver some backlog for later reading.
E.g. there was a conference i missed or i want to follow up later, but before its all lost and scrolled away in the big mess of history it should be saved seperatly or linked to the beginning for easy finding.

examples of UI
would save log from 21:33 h to 22h
/preserve @21:33-22:00

saves last 500 lines
/preserve last 500

it could be saved into a new textbuffer and presented in a seperated tab saved on the smuxi engine. so all frontend will recieve it.
or it could be a bookmark list somewhere, which links to the startign line and the text will be highlightes, with some decent pastel shade color or somewhat.
but with the inline bookmark it would be hard to follow up the history and discuss on this channel at the same time ;)

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