Bug #936


Smuxi uses regulary 100% CPU for a short time

Added by Lex Black 4080 days ago. Updated 3582 days ago.

Status:Closed Start:01/08/2014
Priority:Normal Due date:
Assigned to:avatarMirco Bauer % Done:


Target version:1.0

Found in Version:

Git Commit be5b05a1f3

Votes: 0


Somewhere inbetween the commits 106bbeb30f and be5b05a1f3 (master) was something introduced that causes smuxi to use the cpu at 100%.

I'm using a local engine, so dunno if it's the server at fault or the frontend

smuxi100.png (107.1 KB) Lex Black, 01/08/2014 07:20 PM


Updated by Lex Black 4078 days ago


Additional notes:
The problem gets more vivid the longer smuxi is running.
Cycling through the channels with ctrl+tab is sluggish.

Updated by Lex Black 4077 days ago


Lex Black wrote:

Additional notes: The problem gets more vivid the longer smuxi is running. Cycling through the channels with ctrl+tab is sluggish.

It's case about the join/quit messages. Altough it's fixed with b9b5eaa the issue is most likely solved by accident (and somehow similar to the nicklist resize)

Running /benchmark_message_builder -c 1000 -t -m produces following results:

Bad build:
builder.AppendMessage() builder.AppendText() count: 1000 took: 1841 ms avg: 1,84 ms
builder.AppendMessage() builder.AppendText() count: 1000 took: 2013 ms avg: 2,01 ms
builder.AppendMessage() builder.AppendText() count: 1000 took: 1808 ms avg: 1,81 ms
builder.AppendMessage() builder.AppendText() count: 1000 took: 1824 ms avg: 1,82 ms
builder.AppendMessage() builder.AppendText() count: 1000 took: 2164 ms avg: 2,16 ms
builder.AppendMessage() builder.AppendText() count: 1000 took: 1822 ms avg: 1,82 ms
builder.AppendMessage() builder.AppendText() count: 1000 took: 1813 ms avg: 1,81 ms
builder.AppendMessage() builder.AppendText() count: 1000 took: 2098 ms avg: 2,10 ms

Good Build:
builder.AppendMessage() builder.AppendText() count: 1000 took: 174 ms avg: 0,17 ms
builder.AppendMessage() builder.AppendText() count: 1000 took: 174 ms avg: 0,17 ms
builder.AppendMessage() builder.AppendText() count: 1000 took: 176 ms avg: 0,18 ms
builder.AppendMessage() builder.AppendText() count: 1000 took: 181 ms avg: 0,18 ms
builder.AppendMessage() builder.AppendText() count: 1000 took: 171 ms avg: 0,17 ms
builder.AppendMessage() builder.AppendText() count: 1000 took: 169 ms avg: 0,17 ms
builder.AppendMessage() builder.AppendText() count: 1000 took: 176 ms avg: 0,18 ms
builder.AppendMessage() builder.AppendText() count: 1000 took: 173 ms avg: 0,17 ms
builder.AppendMessage() builder.AppendText() count: 1000 took: 172 ms avg: 0,17 ms
builder.AppendMessage() builder.AppendText() count: 1000 took: 176 ms avg: 0,18 ms
builder.AppendMessage() builder.AppendText() count: 1000 took: 174 ms avg: 0,17 ms

Updated by Mirco Bauer 4043 days ago

  • Status changed from New to Feedback

Is this issue gone with latest HEAD?

Updated by Mirco Bauer 4043 days ago


I think it was potentially fixed in b9b5eaab869c9648a4d9c976cc8a36856ae02f92

Updated by Mirco Bauer 4043 days ago

  • Category set to Engine
  • Assigned to set to Mirco Bauer

Updated by Mirco Bauer 3589 days ago


Please try Smuxi 1.0~rc3 and tell me if the issue has gone away or not.

Updated by Mirco Bauer 3589 days ago

  • Target version set to 1.0

Updated by Lex Black 3588 days ago


I even forgot that I opened this bugreport (That long is this a non-issue now)
But cannot tell when it was gone.

But this can be closed

Updated by Mirco Bauer 3582 days ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to Closed
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

Thank you very much for the feedback! I am going to close this ticket now then.

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