Feature #539


option to auto-change nick when the frontend client disconnects from the server

Added by Monty Taylor 5246 days ago. Updated 3946 days ago.

Status:Closed Start:10/30/2010
Priority:Normal Due date:
Assigned to:avatarMirco Bauer % Done:


Target version:1.0


Votes: 0


When I'm using smuxi in the client/server model, it would be stellar if I could configure a client-disconnect behavior, such as changing my nick from mtaylor to mtaylor|away (which is one common practice) or marking away (another common practice) - especially if it could undo that for me once I log back in.


Updated by Mirco Bauer 5246 days ago

  • Status changed from New to Rejected
00:11:04 <meebey> the auto-change of nick I do not like to support as that's bad practice in IRC where the nick is the unique identifier
00:11:16 <meebey> and the away flag exists for exactly that purpose
00:11:34 <meebey> is it ok if smuxi only supports the setting the away flag without changing nick?
00:12:16 <mtaylor> well, it is your program and not mine at the end of the day ... :)
00:12:40 <meebey> sure, but you requested it :)
00:12:52 <meebey> assuming that both things are not supported
00:12:57 <mtaylor> I know of many groups that live on nick status changes ... even though it's not best practice
00:13:02 <meebey> is one of that good enough for your needs?
00:13:06 <mtaylor> yes
00:13:35 <meebey> ok
00:14:27 <meebey> mtaylor: with plugins we can later support features that I dont like to have as a core feature ;) so dont worry

Updated by Mirco Bauer 3946 days ago

  • Category set to Engine
  • Status changed from Rejected to Closed
  • Assigned to set to Mirco Bauer
  • Target version set to 1.0
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100
  • Complexity set to Medium

Updated by Mirco Bauer 3946 days ago


Mirco Bauer wrote:


00:14:27 <meebey> mtaylor: with plugins we can later support features that I dont like to have as a core feature ;) so dont worry

Haha, so three years and half later :-D better late than never though ;)

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