Bug #211


/names command takes ages on big channels

Added by Mirco Bauer 5610 days ago. Updated 5533 days ago.

Status:Closed Start:10/14/2009
Priority:Normal Due date:
Assigned to:avatarMirco Bauer % Done:


Category:Frontend GNOME
Target version:0.7

Found in Version:

Votes: 0


The /names command takes around 10 seconds to complete on a channel with 400 members. Something is making it really slow.

Associated revisions

Revision 84207473f0f578cab268e97eff8d3da57bed9ec0
Added by Mirco Bauer 5533 days ago

Don't use the TextBuffer.Changed event to refresh the text marks and delete line checks as it's raised way too often for that causing major slowdown for messages with lots of color information. /names command went from 9 seconds down to 430 ms on a channel with 333 users. (closes: #211)


Updated by Mirco Bauer 5564 days ago

  • Target version set to 0.7

Updated by Mirco Bauer 5533 days ago


The color contrast algo seems to have high CPU usage, this should be profiled and optimized.

Updated by Mirco Bauer 5533 days ago

It's NOT the contrast algo as I thought, so it must be something else:
GetBestTextColor(): ##00 ##000000|#EBEBEB=#000000  took: 2.05 ms
GetBestTextColor(): ##01 ##000000|#EBEBEB=#000000  took: 0.09 ms
GetBestTextColor(): ##02 ##FF0000|#EBEBEB=#F50000  took: 0.15 ms
GetBestTextColor(): ##03 ##00FF00|#EBEBEB=#008700  took: 0.18 ms
GetBestTextColor(): ##04 ##0000FF|#EBEBEB=#0000FF  took: 0.01 ms
GetBestTextColor(): ##05 ##FF00FF|#EBEBEB=#D700D7  took: 0.05 ms
GetBestTextColor(): ##06 ##FFFF00|#EBEBEB=#7D7D00  took: 0.14 ms
GetBestTextColor(): ##07 ##FFFFFF|#EBEBEB=#737373  took: 0.15 ms
GetBestTextColor(): ##08 ##1E0DD6|#EBEBEB=#1E0DD6  took: 0.01 ms
GetBestTextColor(): ##09 ##1E0DD6|#EBEBEB=#1E0DD6  took: 0.00 ms
GetBestTextColor(): ##10 ##219207|#EBEBEB=#178800  took: 0.02 ms
GetBestTextColor(): ##11 ##429FB0|#EBEBEB=#248192  took: 0.04 ms
GetBestTextColor(): ##12 ##352878|#EBEBEB=#352878  took: 0.02 ms
GetBestTextColor(): ##13 ##52248B|#EBEBEB=#52248B  took: 0.01 ms
GetBestTextColor(): ##14 ##603D40|#EBEBEB=#603D40  took: 0.01 ms
GetBestTextColor(): ##15 ##872F56|#EBEBEB=#872F56  took: 0.01 ms
GetBestTextColor(): ##16 ##97608C|#EBEBEB=#97608C  took: 0.01 ms
GetBestTextColor(): ##17 ##055A4F|#EBEBEB=#055A4F  took: 0.01 ms
GetBestTextColor(): ##18 ##05730C|#EBEBEB=#05730C  took: 0.01 ms
GetBestTextColor(): ##19 ##A45DDA|#EBEBEB=#9A53D0  took: 0.02 ms
GetBestTextColor(): ##20 ##279C2A|#EBEBEB=#138816  took: 0.02 ms
GetBestTextColor(): ##21 ##D24F81|#EBEBEB=#C84577  took: 0.02 ms
GetBestTextColor(): ##22 ##45D6FA|#EBEBEB=#007CA0  took: 0.09 ms
GetBestTextColor(): ##23 ##31DD0B|#EBEBEB=#008D00  took: 0.06 ms
GetBestTextColor(): ##24 ##429FB0|#EBEBEB=#248192  took: 0.00 ms
GetBestTextColor(): ##25 ##05FC8F|#EBEBEB=#008E21  took: 1.94 ms
GetBestTextColor(): ##26 ##C1FFEF|#EBEBEB=#3F7D6D  took: 0.11 ms
GetBestTextColor(): ##27 ##C1FFEF|#EBEBEB=#3F7D6D  took: 0.00 ms
GetBestTextColor(): ##28 ##E4DA22|#EBEBEB=#807600  took: 0.09 ms
GetBestTextColor(): ##29 ##000000|#2E3436=#828282  took: 0.10 ms
GetBestTextColor(): ##30 ##000000|#2E3436=#828282  took: 0.00 ms
GetBestTextColor(): ##31 ##FF0000|#2E3436=#FF3232  took: 0.04 ms
GetBestTextColor(): ##32 ##00FF00|#2E3436=#00FF00  took: 0.01 ms
GetBestTextColor(): ##33 ##0000FF|#2E3436=#7878FF  took: 0.09 ms
GetBestTextColor(): ##34 ##FF00FF|#2E3436=#FF00FF  took: 0.01 ms
GetBestTextColor(): ##35 ##FFFF00|#2E3436=#FFFF00  took: 0.01 ms
GetBestTextColor(): ##36 ##FFFFFF|#2E3436=#FFFFFF  took: 0.01 ms
GetBestTextColor(): ##37 ##1E0DD6|#2E3436=#8271FF  took: 0.08 ms
GetBestTextColor(): ##38 ##1E0DD6|#2E3436=#8271FF  took: 0.00 ms
GetBestTextColor(): ##39 ##219207|#2E3436=#2B9C11  took: 0.01 ms
GetBestTextColor(): ##40 ##429FB0|#2E3436=#429FB0  took: 0.01 ms
GetBestTextColor(): ##41 ##352878|#2E3436=#8578C8  took: 0.05 ms
GetBestTextColor(): ##42 ##52248B|#2E3436=#A274DB  took: 0.06 ms
GetBestTextColor(): ##43 ##603D40|#2E3436=#A68386  took: 0.05 ms
GetBestTextColor(): ##44 ##872F56|#2E3436=#C36B92  took: 0.06 ms
GetBestTextColor(): ##45 ##97608C|#2E3436=#AB74A0  took: 0.02 ms
GetBestTextColor(): ##46 ##055A4F|#2E3436=#41968B  took: 0.05 ms
GetBestTextColor(): ##47 ##05730C|#2E3436=#2D9B34  took: 0.04 ms
GetBestTextColor(): ##48 ##A45DDA|#2E3436=#AE67E4  took: 0.01 ms
GetBestTextColor(): ##49 ##279C2A|#2E3436=#279C2A  took: 0.01 ms
GetBestTextColor(): ##50 ##D24F81|#2E3436=#DC598B  took: 0.02 ms
GetBestTextColor(): ##51 ##45D6FA|#2E3436=#45D6FA  took: 0.01 ms
GetBestTextColor(): ##52 ##31DD0B|#2E3436=#31DD0B  took: 0.01 ms
GetBestTextColor(): ##53 ##429FB0|#2E3436=#429FB0  took: 0.00 ms
GetBestTextColor(): ##54 ##05FC8F|#2E3436=#05FC8F  took: 0.01 ms
GetBestTextColor(): ##55 ##C1FFEF|#2E3436=#C1FFEF  took: 0.00 ms
GetBestTextColor(): ##56 ##C1FFEF|#2E3436=#C1FFEF  took: 0.00 ms
GetBestTextColor(): ##57 ##E4DA22|#2E3436=#E4DA22  took: 0.01 ms

Updated by Mirco Bauer 5533 days ago

It's not the remoting transport either, the call of AddMessage() itself on the widget really takes almost 10 seconds on a channel with 333 users (tested with #debian @ OFTC):
2009-12-31 04:55:55,012 [Main] DEBUG Smuxi.Frontend.Gnome.GnomeUI - _AddMessageToChat(): chatView.AddMessage() took: 9799.19 ms

Updated by Mirco Bauer 5533 days ago

2nd /names command took even longer, wtf?
2009-12-31 05:01:30,889 [Main] DEBUG Smuxi.Frontend.Gnome.GnomeUI - _AddMessageToChat(): chatView.AddMessage() took: 21413.43 ms

Updated by Mirco Bauer 5533 days ago

3rd /names call a bit better but still slower than 1st:
2009-12-31 05:03:09,607 [Main] DEBUG Smuxi.Frontend.Gnome.GnomeUI - _AddMessageToChat(): chatView.AddMessage() took: 14627.58 ms

I believe it's either the TextView itself or how I add the formatted / colored pieces to it... or something else that gets triggered (events?) slow it down.

Updated by Mirco Bauer 5533 days ago


Looks like its the ChatView._OnTextBufferChanged() that slows it really down. Every buffer insert triggers that method, and /names does lots of buffer inserts for all the color tags. /names on #smuxi went down from 35ms to 5ms :)

Updated by Mirco Bauer 5533 days ago


Yep, that was the issue. _OnTextBufferChanged() was refreshing text marks and also checking if lines need to be removed and that for every single buffer change (adding one line might do hundreds of changes). The code was simply moved from _OnTextBufferChange to OnMessageTextViewMessageAdded, making it executed once per message was added.

Updated by Mirco Bauer 5533 days ago


Oh and that 9 seconds went down to 430 ms on the first call and 130 ms in the second call :-)

Updated by Mirco Bauer 5533 days ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

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