Bug #100


adding servers with the same hostname

Added by Mirco Bauer 6041 days ago. Updated 6028 days ago.

Status:Closed Start:
Priority:Urgent Due date:
Assigned to:avatarMirco Bauer % Done:


Category:Frontend GNOME
Target version:0.6.2

Found in Version:

Votes: 0


When you add servers with the same hostname, it will corrupt the config. The config uses the hostname as "primary key" to store the server info and thus overwrites the old settings and keep adding the same server to the "Servers" key. The config needs to throw an exception when a server with the same hostname is added.


Updated by Mirco Bauer 6028 days ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed
  • 1 set to fixed

Fixed in SVN r373

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