Managing Torrents

Version 8 (Alan McGovern, 07/30/2009 12:52 AM)

1 7 Alan McGovern
h1. Downloading Torrents
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3 5 olivier dufour
h2. Simple Client
4 5 olivier dufour
5 4 olivier dufour
<pre><code class="java">
6 8 Alan McGovern
    class MainClass
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        ClientEngine engine;
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        string savePath;
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        // savePath is the directory where downloads will be stored
12 8 Alan McGovern
        public MainClass(string savePath)
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            // Create a basic ClientEngine without changing any settings
15 8 Alan McGovern
            this.engine = new ClientEngine(new EngineSettings());
16 8 Alan McGovern
            this.savePath = savePath;
17 8 Alan McGovern
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19 8 Alan McGovern
        public void DownloadTorrent(string path)
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21 8 Alan McGovern
            // Open the .torrent file
22 8 Alan McGovern
            Torrent torrent = Torrent.Load(path);
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24 8 Alan McGovern
            // Create the manager which will download the torrent to savePath
25 8 Alan McGovern
            // using the default settings.
26 8 Alan McGovern
            TorrentManager manager = new TorrentManager(torrent, savePath, new TorrentSettings());
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28 8 Alan McGovern
            // Register the manager with the engine
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            // Begin the download
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33 8 Alan McGovern
34 8 Alan McGovern
35 8 Alan McGovern
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h2. Advanced Client
38 5 olivier dufour
39 5 olivier dufour
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<pre><code class="java">
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ClientEngine engine = new ClientEngine(new EngineSettings(downloadsPath, port));
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DhtListener dhtListner = new UdpListener (new IPEndPoint (IPAddress.Any, port));
47 5 olivier dufour
DhtEngine dht = new DhtEngine (dhtListner);
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//byte array of dht nodes can be null if you have never connect to DHT before today!
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torrent = Torrent.Load("test.torrent");
55 5 olivier dufour
TorrentManager manager = new TorrentManager(torrent, downloadsPath, torrentDefaults);
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57 5 olivier dufour
//FastResume code need a BencodedDictionnary
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//If you jsut start the torrent, you have no fast resume
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// but if you have download a part of the torrent you can save fast resume data 
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//(manager.SaveFastResume()) and restore it later to do a quicker load
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manager.LoadFastResume(new FastResume (BEncDictFastResume));
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64 2 olivier dufour
manager.Start ();
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