Enable DHT

Version 1 (Alan McGovern, 04/20/2009 10:57 PM)

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h1. Enable DHT
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<pre><code class="java">
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		public void StartDht (ClientEngine engine, int port)
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			// Send/receive DHT messages on the specified port
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			IPEndPoint listenAddress = new IPEndPoint (IPAddress.Any, port);
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			// Create a listener which will process incoming/outgoing dht messages
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			DhtListener listener = new UdpListener (listenAddress);
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			// Create the dht engine
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			DhtEngine dht = new DhtEngine (listener);
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			// Connect the Dht engine to the MonoTorrent engine
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			engine.RegisterDht (dht);
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			// Start listening for dht messages and activate the DHT engine
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			listener.Start ();
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			// If there are existing DHT nodes stored on disk, load them
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			// into the DHT engine so we can try and avoid a (very slow)
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			// full bootstrap
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			byte[] nodes = null;
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			if (File.Exists (path))
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				nodes = File.ReadAllBytes (nodes);
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			dht.Start (nodes);
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		public void StopDht (DhtEngine dht, DhtListener listener)
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			// Stop the listener and dht engine. This does not
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			// clear internal data so the DHT can be started again
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			// later without needing a full bootstrap.
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			listener.Stop ();
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			dht.Stop ();
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			// Save all known dht nodes to disk so they can be restored
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			// later. This is *highly* recommended as it makes startup
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			// much much faster.
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			File.WriteAllBytes (path, dht.SaveNodes ());
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